Alexander Beulens

35 The value of a 1-day multidisciplinary robot surgery training for novice robot surgeons Methods Participants As part of the Dutch Association for Endoscopic Surgery (NVEC) conference of March 2017 in Amsterdam a multidisciplinary robot surgery training was organized. The training was given 1 day before the conference. Specialists and residents from urology, general surgery and gynaecology were invited to participate in the training. A total of 20 participants pre-registered for this training. Materials For this training different types of materials were used to instruct the participants. Prior to the training all participants were invited to complete a specific e-learning module (, to become more familiar with the Intuitive Surgical da Vinci Xi robotic system. During the training three types of virtual reality simulators (The MIMIC dV-Trainer, Intuitive surgical da Vinci skills simulator, and the 3D Systems RobotiX Mentor) were used to test the participants’ dexterity skills on the robot surgery system. An Intuitive Surgical da Vinci Xi system was used during a hands-on draping and docking trainQuestionnaire 1: Pre-training questionnaire, demographic data 1. What is your profession? A. Specialist B. residents 2. What is your specialism A. Surgery B. Gynecology C. Urology 3. How much experience do you have with the da Vinci Robot? A. Assist during surgery and practice on a simulator B. only assisting during surgery C. only practice on a simulator D. surgery on a real patient E. No experience with the da Vinci Robot 4. How many hours did you practice with the simulator or robot exercises? A. <10 hours B. 10-20 hours C. 20-30 hours D >30 hours 5. How many hours did you operate on a real patient with the da Vinci Robot? A. 0 hours B. 1-10 hours C. 10-20 hours E. 20-30 hours D. >30 hours