Alexander Beulens

40 Chapter 2 Figure 2. Examples of the simulation exercises; a pick and place exercise, b camera targeting I exercise, c pick and place clutching exercise, d energy and dissection II exercise, e suturing exercise a b c d e Training Participants commenced the training by filling out an online Pre-training questionnaire (“Questionnaire 1”). The first part of the training was a hands-on training using the Intuitive Surgical da Vinci Xi system taking 80 min. During this part of the training draping and docking and patient positioning were explained with demonstrations and hands-on training. It covered requirements of the ‘BPR’ about ‘robot functionalities’, ‘image’ and ‘preparation7. The second part of the training consisted of an interactive presentation was given taking 30 min. This presentation dealt with general safety issues and anaesthetic difficulties, addressed by an (robot)-anaesthesiologist. This part of the training covered requirements of the “BPR”7 about ‘communication’, ‘emergency situations’, ‘power supply’, and ‘preparation’. The third part of the training consisted of Simulation sessions were organized to test the participants skill in robot assisted procedures and to test requirements of the ‘BPR’ about console functionality 7 taking 70 min. During this simulation session, multiple exercises were performed. Participants were instructed to do their best at these