Alexander Beulens

44 Chapter 2 Simulation test results All participants had the opportunity to repeat each exercise once to practice the tasks. The results of both attempts (Table 5) were compared in order to evaluate progress (Table 2). The Pick and Place exercise (performed on the MIMIC dV-Trainer) provides insight in the participants’ ability to move the robot arms. This exercise was performed once as a warm up by all participants. Based on the criteria the developer of the simulator set for the exercise 8 (44%) of the participants obtained a passing score (Table 3). Table 3 Passed results for the MIMIC dV-Trainer simulation exercises Exercise Attempt 1, n (%) Attempt 2, n (%) Pick and Place Pass 8 (44) NA Pick and Place clutching Pass 0 (0) 0 (0) Camera Targeting I Pass 9 (47) 10 (58) The Pick and Place clutching exercise (performed on the MIMIC dV-Trainer) provides insight into the participants ability to move the arms of the robot. When comparing the scores of the first and second attempt (Table 2), the second attempt showed a significant improvement in the overall score (p = 0.002). Based on the criteria the developer of the simulator set for the exercise, none of the participants obtained a passing simulation score (Table 3). The Camera Targeting I exercise (performed on the MIMIC dV-Trainer) provides insight into the participant’s ability to move the arms of the robot and how the camera is operated. Based on the criteria the developer of the simulator set for the exercise, 9 (47%) participants obtained a passing score on the first attempt and 10 (58%) participants obtained a passing score on the second attempt (Table 4). When comparing the scores of the first and second attempt (Table 2) no significant difference in median simulation scores were found. The Intuitive surgical da Vinci skills simulator was used to perform the Energy and Dissection II exercise. The Energy and Dissection II exercise provides insight into the participants ability to move the arms, the operation and movement of the camera, and the use of mono-polar and bipolar coagulation. The comparison (Table 2) showed a significant improvement in the overall score for the second attempt (p = 0.001). The suturing exercise (performed on the 3D Systems RobotiX Mentor) provides in-