Alexander Beulens

51 The value of a 1-day multidisciplinary robot surgery training for novice robot surgeons questionnaire and skill simulation results were used. The questionnaire results, based on a self-reported competence judgement by the participants, show that almost all (32/37) requirements for the safe use of the surgical robot are mastered in the opinion of the participants. It is worrying a large proportion of the participants feel they did not master critical requirements for the safe use of the surgical robot (i.e., how to act in case of a power failure and to undo an emergency stop). Although results are based on a small number of respondents, these situations need to be addressed more in further implementation of the training. Based on the skill simulation results none of the participants were competent in the MIMIC dV-Trainer basic skill simulation exercises after 1 day of training, which could be the result of the lack of skill simulator experience in most participants. Although all participants were instructed to train at least 10 h.10, a large portion of participants attended the training without prior simulator experience. Participants do show an improvement in the scores of the second repetition of almost all exercises. This could also be the result of the warming up effect after the first attempt at the exercise. To investigate the origin of this improvement in simulation scores, multiple repetitions of the exercise would be required. Based on the results presented in this article we are unable to asses if participants were proficient in all BPR after the 1-day training programme. We do believe this training covers all important aspects of system training (containing different modality’s of training, i.e., hands-on training combined with theoretical information) as indicated by previous research.14 Although this training was completed by a small group of participants who did not all provided their demographic data and answers to the questionnaires based on the BPR7, this study gave insights into the further development of a training based on basic proficiency requirements and the use of simulation scores to get more insight in the mastery of the basic proficiency requirements. It remains unclear if, with proper preparation, participants could be proficient in all BPR after the 1-day training programme. Although all participants did report they mastered the basic proficiency requirements which could be related to the simulation exercises, a majority of participants did not achieve a proficient score in the simulation exercises. To investigate if this discrepancy can be attributed to overconfidence bias or if simulation exercises are a valid measurement for the mastery the BPR7 further research in larger groups of participants with a more thoroughly validated questionnaire is needed. Based on our observations we may conclude that objective assessment of knowledge and dexterity skills is mandatory and results should be discussed with the trainees to tailor further training accordingly.