Alexander Beulens

70 Chapter 3 between the groups during an in-depth analysis. (Appendix 1). Difference in pre-intervention and post-intervention vesicourethral anastomosis simulation exercise scores There were no statistically significant differences in the improvement in surgical skills between the three different intervention groups (Table 2). When comparing the overall scores results of the pre- and post-intervention simulation no significant differencTable 1. Participants’ baseline characteristics Variable No guidance group (n=23) Proctor guided group (n=23) Simulator generated guidance group (n=24) F-value DF 1 DF 2 p-value overall P-value Non-No guidance group vs... Proctor guided group P-value Non-No guidance group vs... Simulator generated guidance group P-value Proctor guided group vs... Simulator generated guidance group Gender, n Male 9 8 3 - - - 0.148# - - - Female 14 15 19 Occupation, n Medical Student 22 13 14 - - - 0.005* - - - Resident 1 1 3 PhD Candidate 0 8 5 Age, median (IQR) 21 (1925) 26 (2428) 25 (2328) 9.194@ 2@ 65@ <0.0001@ <0.0001^ 0.004^ 0.789^ Laparoscopic surgery experience, n No 17 17 7 - - - 0.004# - - - Yes 6 6 15 RAS experience, n No 22 23 22 - - - 1.000* - - - Yes 1 0 0 Completed surgical internship, n No 15 6 2 - - - 0.004# - - - Yes 7 7 13 *Fishers exact # Pearson Chi-square @One-way Anova, ^Turkey HSD, DF1 = degrees of freedom between groups, DF 2 = degrees of freedom within groups, n = number