Alexander Beulens

93 Training novice robot surgeons: Proctoring provides same results as simulator-generated guidance Needle handling Percentage of stitches within optimal depth (%) 66.7 (47.1) 50.0 (25.9) 51.8 (57.8) 1.731* 2* 58.030* 0.186* 0.304$ 0.232$ 0.869$ Number of unnecessary needle piercing points (n) 78.0 (45.0) 75.5 (65.8) 53.5 (38.0) 3.353@ 2@ 66@ 0.021@ 1.000^ 0.041^ 0.043^ The total number of entrance and exit points through which the needle has passed (n) 24.0 (14.0) 18.0 (16.0) 23.0 (26.0) 0.083@ 2@ 66@ 0.921@ 0.977^ 0.913^ 0.980^ Suture handling Excessive force - Suture breakage (n) 0.0 (1.0) 0.0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0.446@ 2@ 66@ 0.642@ 0.616^ 0.913^ 0.847^ Tissue handling Number of times the tissue was grasped (n) 21.0 (28.0) 13.0 (13.3) 13.0 (14.3) 3.398* 2* 35.710* 0.018* 0.088$ 0.070$ 0.980$ Variable No guidance group (n=23) Proctor guided group (n=23) Simulator generated guidance group (n=24) F-value DF 1 DF 2 p-value overall P-value Non-No guidance group vs... Proctor guided group P-value Non-No guidance group vs... Simulator generated guidance group P-value Proctor guided group vs... Simulator generated guidance group @One-way Anova, ^Turkey HSD *Brown – Forsythe test, $ Games-Howell Post-Hoc Test, DF1 = degrees of freedom between groups, DF 2 = degrees of freedom within groups, n = number, mm= millimeters