
Fostering overseas success: A meta-analysis 101 Table 5.4: Random effects meta-analysis of social support and commitment. k N r ρ se CI95 CR80 I 2 Q w Q b Community domain 3 299 .25 .30 .06 [ .18, .42] [ .16, .43] 32.80% 4.48 5.23 Host country nationals 2 209 .24 .28 .12 [ .05, .52] [ .06, .50] 76.03% 4.17 * 23.95 *** Family domain 2 428 .07 .08 .02 [ .04, .12] [ .04, .12] 0.00% 0.89 Spousal support 2 428 .07 .08 .02 [ .04, .12] [ .04, .12] 0.00% 0.89 13.29 *** Work domain 16 3103 .30 .35 .04 [ .28, .42] [ .17, .53] 95.66% 444.15 *** Mentoring 2 351 .20 .23 .05 [ .14, .33] [ .14, .32] 0.00% 0.83 71.50 *** Peer support 2 888 .20 .25 .04 [ .18, .32] [ .18, .32] 7.46% 1.08 Supervisory support 3 482 .32 .36 .07 [ .22, .50] [ .20, .52] 66.44% 6.42 * Cross-cultural training 5 718 .13 .16 .04 [ .08, .24] [ .04, .28] 63.62% 11.50 * Logistical support 4 615 .18 .22 .04 [ .13, .30] [ .11, .33] 20.91% 4.87 POS 9 2056 .44 .52 .04 [ .43, .60] [ .34, .69] 92.65% 60.95 *** POS adjustment 2 348 .24 .28 .13 [ .02, .53] [ .04, .51] 86.68% 7.51 ** POS career 5 876 .28 .32 .06 [ .20, .43] [ .15, .49] 83.40% 39.74 *** POS financial 7 1197 .23 .27 .06 [ .15, .39] [ .06, .47] 90.26% 44.97 *** Repatriation support 3 605 .15 .18 .05 [ .08, .28] [ .07, .29] 76.85% 10.52 ** Note: k = number of independent studies; N = total independent sample size; r = estimated correlation in the population; ρ = estimated true correlation in the population; se = standard error of the true correlation; CI95 = 95% confidence interval of the true correlation; CR80 = 80% credibility interval of the true correlation; I 2 = variance in true effect sizes as proportion of total variance; Q w = test of within-group homogeneity; Q b = test of between-group homogeneity; POS = perceived organizational support. * p < .05; ** p < .01; *** p < .001 Commitment Table 5.4 demonstrates positive relationships between support from each domain and expatriates’ commitment. The results are not fully in line with Hypothesis 2b, as work-domain support displayed a stronger effect (ρ = .35) compared to the family domain (ρ = .08), but not compared to the community domain (ρ = .30). Results on the more detailed actor/type level demonstrates expatriates’ commitment was most strongly related to their overall perceptions of organizational support (POS) (ρ = .52). Moreover, supervisory support related more positively to commitment (ρ = .36) than support by peers (ρ = .25) or mentors (ρ = .23). Performance Table 5.5 demonstrates positive relationships between social support from each domain and expatriates’ performance, with ρ = .18 for community, ρ = .19 for family, and ρ = .21 for work domain support. These results are not in line with Hypothesis 2c which expected a stronger relationship with work-domain support. More detailed results within domains demonstrate that supervisory (ρ = .26) and mentor support (ρ = .19) associated significantly with high performance, but peer support did not (ρ = .17). However, the broad credibility interval and high heterogeneity statistic suggest that moderation may exist. Regarding the types of organization support, particularly logistical support and POS (both ρ = .24) related positively to performance whereas nonsignificant associations were found for cross-cultural training (ρ = .06) and adjustment-oriented POS (ρ = .08).