
Table 4.3: Included articles, their theoretical frameworks and the examined variables. Authors (year) Theoretical paradigms Support constructs Success constructs Stress SC RE S C R A P Bader & Berg, 2013 HCN disaffection 1 Bader et al., 2015 X POS 1 Benson & Pattie, 2009 X Host supervisor LMX; Home supervisor LMX 1 2 1 Bhatti et al., 2013 X Direct and indirect support 3 1 Bozionelos, 2009 Protégé experience; peer support 1 1 Bruning et al., 2012 X HCN colleague; HCN network size; HCN network frequency; HCN network density; HCN network closeness 1 1 Cao et al., 2014 X X POS; career network size with HCNs; career network size with home country nationals 1 1 Chen et al., 2010 Subsidiary support 1 1 Chen, 2010 X Perceived organizational supports; LMX 1 Chen et al., 2011 X Group support; Workmate support; Support from motherland 1 1 Claus et al., 2015 X Support network size; virtual contact; frequency of contact 4 De Paul Chism, 2014 1 X Host POS; Home POS 2 1 Florkowski & Fogel, 1999 X Realistic assignment preview; relative standard of living; 2 1 1