
Authors (year) Theoretical paradigms Support constructs Success constructs Stress SC RE S C R A P Kraimer et al., 2001 X X Parent company POS; Foreign facility POS; LMX 3 2 Lee & Kartika, 2014 X X Organizational support; 1 Littrell, 2007 1 X Psychosocial peer support (home/host); Career peer support (home/host); Mentoring peer support (home/host); Number of home country mentors (x2); Number of HC mentors (x2); Total number of mentors 5 2 1 Liu & Ipe, 2010 X Parent company POS; Local subsidiary POS; LMX 1 Malek et al., 2015 X X POS 1 1 Pattie, 2007 1 PSS; LMX 1 1 Pattie et al., 2013 X LMX 1 1 Puck et al., 2008 X Support; Rewards 1 1 1 Shaffer et al., 2001 X POS 1 Shen & Jiang, 2015 POS 1 Shih et al., 2010 HIWS (HR flow; work structuring; reward systems; employee influence) 1 1 Showail et al., 2013 POS 1 Stroppa & Spieß, 2011 Co-worker social support; Supervisor social support 1 1 Supangco & Mayrhofer, 2014 X X POS; Supervisory support 1 1 Takeuchi et al., 2009 X X Current assignment POS; Off-the-job life POS 1 2 1 Van der Heijden et al., 2009 X Career POS (parent) 1 2