Fokke Wouda

196 PART TWO: AN EMPIRICAL ACCOUNT And we can do anything or nothing. If we have the possibility, it’s a good thing. Of course, and we do it with pleasure and with passion, but it’s not the [-] for our life… And yes, for a while, Bartholomeos came here and [-] everywhere and Matthias is in the Group of Dombes, and Matteus in the [-] interreligious and monastic dialogue group, okay, we can do anything, that is a gift that God give us. But that’s not the… the thing that we needed to be what we are… … FW: It’s not the purpose of your life here. BG: No, no, no. It’s uh, I think that it is uh, great things, really, and I’m happy to be here in this time, but I think that, till there is an Orthodox and a Reformed can pray with me in the church, that is all that I have to do. And if the community andmany people can domore, yes, that’s wonderful, but uh… ….451 In a similar way, BG acknowledges the fact that Bose is inhabited by both male and female monastics to be of significance: “I think that we have to know and to live all the differences, with respect [for each other]. If I can~ I can’t live with the most important different that we live on the day, men and women… how can I live the others {laughs}?” BG thus defines the purpose of the community as dealing with the differences on a daily basis, both between the sexes and between denominations. TB, too, stresses that this reality is inclusive. It attempts to reconcile diversity without erasing it: And so, I would rather say that, what we can do here in Taizé, it is to, to live like this together, to pray together, to... make every effort to belong to that one church, as it is in God’s intention, being from different backgrounds. Um, encouraging people who come here, and that's why we have these Orthodox liturgies, Anglican, Lutheran, Reformed, um, celebrations. Because it's very important to... for us, to say, what we live together as brothers... and with people who want to join for a week, it's, it is not a model, it's not a.... that we pretend to... to have a solution, but it is important for us to live a sign.452 TC refers to Taizé’s practice as an immersion in the mystery of Easter, so that the obscured reality of the one church can emerge. He elaborates on some observations by Orthodox theologian Olivier Clement about Taizé: When we immerse ourselves in the mystery of Christ, the Easter mystery of death and resurrection... when we go deep enough, then 451 BG-1,54-56. 452 TB-1,4f.