Fokke Wouda

CHAPTER 6: TEMPORARY SOLUTION FOR A PERMANENT PROBLEM 197 something of the undivided church can appear.... And I think, that's a little bit of what the experience is here, no? That, that if we, if the Easter mystery... Easter mystery also means... ... that you're not there to defend, no?... an artificial identity. You're there to go towards an authentic identity, no? You’re not just, it's not the ideological identi~ I have everything {laughs}. But it's, if you're there to, to go into the deep mystery, into the deep identity, then you allow something of the undivided church to appear, because Christ is not divided... Christ is not divided. So, something of the unity can appear, the word used in French was affleurer, no? Affleurer, it comes to the surface. Something that is there, comes to the surface, and so maybe that's a little bit, in a way, something that happens here sometimes. That something of the undivided Christ appears, becomes visible, because some people are willing... to take that risk of living in the death and resurrection of Christ....”453 … transcending the individual situation In short, the first and most important significance of the communities and their practice of Eucharistic sharing is that they exist. By living the unity of the church, by surrendering to the Easter mystery, by taking the risks of trust, they experience something of the undivided church. In a second instance, the monastics understand this concretely lived reality to act as a sign for the churches. The fact that it is possible to live in the reconciled way of Bose and Taizé is a statement and signal in the face of division that still marks the relationships between denominations. As shown before, the monastics understand that their situation is not perfect and does not represent full unity. However, they do understand it to point towards full unity and to demonstrate that it is possible. TB explains: That brings me still to another topic, which is very important for Taizé in general, for everything, you have to see it I think through this lens, is that um... from the very beginning, in the text Brother Roger said, the community can be a parable... of communion, of brotherhood, of... um, or in the life commitment, which text he wrote in '49, he says, Christ has chosen you, in his mercy, to be a sign of brotherly love in the church... so, this, this thing of being a sign, or a parable... um, applies to everything and also to our practice of the sacraments, that it's not meant to be the whole thing, no, a sign is not reality, it's... it's 453 TC-1,22b.