Fokke Wouda

CHAPTER 7: LIVING IN COMMUNION 221 Netherlands, does the same when he visits family. However, he indicates that this rarely coincides with the celebration of Holy Supper because it is celebrated only four or five times a year.494 The other interviewees do not really address this issue. I can only note that the non-Catholic members seem to struggle with substantiating their belonging to their church of origin, even when they were never required to give up this ecclesial identity. It seems to me that this is an important aspect for the communities to contemplate. BE summarizes the dynamics of what he himself defines as double belonging rather well in another elaborate quotation: I, of course, I began to know much better, the mechanism {laughs}, also institutional of the Catholic Church, uh, and have the impression that, uh… … … so to say, I live both realities, so, I am part institutionally, or, of the, of the Reformed Church, but I live also in the Catholic one, at least for what regar~ what concerns the sacraments, or at least the Eucharist, um… and in this sense, yes, I am much more taking part in Catholic activities {laughs}, than before, as far as we practice, as you know, the, yes, the Eucharist, having the Catholic Mass celebrated, and… practicing the Eucharistic hospitality, so… um… It became perhaps more daily, my, my belonging, my belonging? My sharing activities, or, uh… moments with the Catholic Church have became more daily, um… and I, yes, I… … I knew always better, that the Christian life, which was lived, that we live in the Catholic Church, or in the Reformed is always the same life, just with other forms, or other words, and uh… I experienced it like this, so… coming here, I got to knew… to know this new language, or this other language, which I didn’t know from the inside, and uh, few by few I entered also in this tradition, so I would say, I have thought of {laughs}, but… perhaps it’s the first time I say it now. Uh, perhaps it’s also the first time I can [imagine it], anyway, um… … I would say how this double, to have this, this double belonging, so… truly, I belong to the one church, to the one of always, of before, uh, but at the same time, taking part in… in the celebrations, uh, inside the Catholic Church, uh… yes, I feel, when I go to the Eucharist… in the Protestant Church, or in the Catholic one, uh, for me, it’s something like the same, uh… so, it’s why I say this double belonging, belonging to both realities.”495 494 TA-1,34. 495 BE-1,70.