Fokke Wouda

CHAPTER 8: POSITIONING OF THE EUCHARIST 231 The monastics of Bose prepare for the Sunday Eucharist through a Saturday evening lectio divina on the Sunday Scripture readings. As such, BF experiences the Sunday Eucharist as fulfilment of the community’s daily prayers: The fact that we were, and we are, an ecumenical community influenced also the kind of attention that we give to the celebration of the Eucharist. Not only the idea, or the theoria of the Eucharist, but also the practice, the, how we celebrate it. The fact that we on Saturday evening we have a lectio divina on the readings of Sunday. So, the first part of the Eucharist of the Sunday is already prepared by a common prayer, a common reflection on the gospel. The fact that we, we have in a sort all the daily prayers of the week, that final fulfillment in the Eucharist.507 The idea of Eucharist as fulfilment of other liturgical celebrations is also shared by other interviewees. BG analyses that it is an important focus of community life: We have to celebrate the… the Jesus that we pray in the Bible. So, the same… word we pray, we need to celebrate. And if we can do it all together I feel we are [in depth] a community. It’s not true that um, only the in the Eucharist we are a community, of course. But… there is the… … the way that we feel more deep… All the week is um, organized till Sunday. It’s beautiful if we can [live] Sundays with the others, with the others.508 And she continues: We feel that the Easter is the center. And also, that the Sunday is the center of the week. And uh, also the Psalms are distributed in that way, that Saturday the Psalm [-] and the Friday, the Psalm that remembers the passion of Christ, okay, and Thursday the Psalm to creation. Each day, I feel I’m… yes, that the Sunday is the center, the real center. And uh, that’s why, as a Catholic, I don’t um, don’t need the each days the Mass. That’s quite uncommon in the [Catholic] sensibility. And that’s why many people ask us, why do you do a thing like that? [-] okay. But it’s the true center of the week, so, because it’s 507 BF-1,18b. 508 BG-1,72.