Fokke Wouda

232 PART TWO: AN EMPIRICAL ACCOUNT so important, I can do that. And because my prayer each day is centered on the Bible.509 The monastics experience the Eucharist as the center and pinnacle of their prayers because it celebrates the Easter mystery. This aligns with the practice in Taizé, where the prayers and other liturgical celebrations (such as the rite of lights on Fridays) are designed to represent the holy week, culminating in the Sunday Eucharist. Thus, the liturgical rhythm is (partly) intended as mystagogic activity.510 The monastics thus stress the importance and centrality of the Eucharist. TC refers to Irenaeus of Lyon: “in the French I had~ we say summary in English, but it's more than a summary, it's like the condensation, uh? of our entire faith is in the Eucharist, really. When you realize that, when you realize... why the Eucharist is such a great celebration.”511 Eucharist in the ecumenical dialogue At the same time, however, Brother TA and Brother TB argue for a decrease in the isolated focus on the Eucharist in ecumenical relations and dialogue. TB, contemplating the occasions in which not all of the brothers can receive Communion, makes reference to spiritual Communion: It happens also here, that some brothers don't receive Communion, that they for some personal reasons, and, and... ... even the council of Trient, Brother Roger liked this passage, where it says that if you cannot receive Communion for some reason, but you have the desire, then you have received it. It goes back to a text of saint Augustin, who says… believe and you have eaten... even Luther was quoting that text, I saw that recently.512 Although he treasures the default situation of Eucharistic hospitality in Taizé, he also appreciates the possibility of receiving the blessed bread as it is offered in the community: Brother Roger said... and the card~ and Ratzinger said that in the article, I can't quote it now directly, but, sort of, instead of making too big stories all the time, and getting into the sort of frustration, and fears and reproaches and uh... why not find ways first to live 509 BG-1,74. 510 Cf. section 4.3. 511 TC-1,28b. 512 TB-2,28.