Fokke Wouda

CHAPTER 8: POSITIONING OF THE EUCHARIST 235 the... body and blood of Christ, which we receive~ I mean it's our thanksgiving, and, and it is also to offer ourselves, to receive the presence of Christ... um, which is, who is life for the world... and, and this reality of the Eucharist, it is not a confessional reality... um... it is because of history, and of ... of problems in history, of course celebrating in a concrete way, in a concrete church, but uh... but when you say, a Catholic Eucharist, a Protestant Eucharist... an Orthodox liturgy, of course, we use this language, because it's sort of ... [commod*], it's sort of... easy to speak like this, but um... but it hurts something. It's like... we don't speak about a catholic Christ. ... Or, or Catholic Holy Spirit... so, when it comes to the central realities of faith, I, I think that, that the confessional sort of... ... qualifications, they, they sound a bit like... they don't sound well {laughs}.517 TB opposes the idea that the Eucharist in itself can be divided. Adding denominational adjectives to the Eucharist enhances this idea. TB, and the experience of the communities, strongly oppose this thought since it violates their understanding of an intrinsic Eucharistic truth: the fact that Jesus gave one Eucharist. Eucharistic liturgy and theology may be shaped by denominational differences, and this does not necessarily compromise the Eucharistic reality itself. Therefore, TB insists: So it's better to say~ but I mean, we, it's [always fair] to say ‘there is a celebration of the Eucharist, of the liturgy as the Orientals would say... Holy Communion, or Abendmahl, and then it's presided by a minister from a church, who is in charge to do that...’ and there it's clear that it's from that church, or from the other church.518 This brings to mind what I have already quoted from Brother TB earlier: “this became very important for me to understand that the... ... um... ... ... that the reality of, of faith, God, the church, the sacraments, they, they're always beyond the formulations.”519 One could say that through cultivating trust in this reality beyond formulations (see section 5.4), the community surrenders to this reality. They are hesitant to define the Eucharist theoretically, let alone denominationally. I have already mentioned something Brother TB said: “I would be very careful to introduce confessional notions into realities of faith....”520 With respect to the 517 TB-1,36a. *Maybe short for commodity? 518 TB-1,36a. Cf. TB-1,4d. 519 TB-1,4e. 520 TB-1,36b.