42 PART ONE: INTRODUCTION distinguish formal Roman Catholic transubstantiation theory from Lutheran teaching on consubstantiation – and that the Catholic Church does not expect them to as a prerequisite for receiving Communion. So, by what standards are non-Catholics evaluated?104 In any case, and as expected, the German bishops encourage pastors to educate couples who request permission to receive Communion together. The document mentions this on several occasions and provides a guide to help pastors engage with the topic. Finally, Cardinal Chaput, archbishop of Philadelphia, raises the question of the sliding scale or slippery slope. Although he believes that it is not the intention of the German proposal, he fears that “[o]nce this step is taken, pressure to widen intercommunion will naturally increase, with diminishing reasons and credibility to resist it,” and “what happens in Germany, will not stay in Germany.”105 1.4 EUCHARISTIC HOSPITALITY: TOWARDS AN ECUMENICAL QUEST106 Interpretation of Pope Francis’ comments Despite his initial decision to stall publication of the document, Pope Francis eventually endorsed its content. His hesitation towards publication seems to be inspired more by church political reasons (for example, the unity of the German and universal episcopates) than by theological or canonical arguments. Yet, it seems that Francis, unlike Mit Christus gehen, understands the question of Eucharistic hospitality not as an isolated individual pastoral question, but as a genuinely ecumenical issue with much wider implications. This assumption is partly based on the fact that he, in his responses to the German bishops, first of all praises their ecumenical commitment before addressing the guidelines themselves. But mostly, it is based on his remarks during his 2015 visit to the Lutheran congregation in Rome, already mentioned above. It is worthwhile reading Francis’ remarks in context since they deal with the same topic as the German proposal. His words were uttered during a 104 Walter Kasper, “Kasper: Ehrlich über Kommunion-Teilnahme nachdenken,” Katholisch.De, April 23, 2018, https://www.katholisch.de/aktuelles/aktuelle-artikel/kasperehrlich-uber-kommunion-teilnahme-nachdenken. 105 John L. Allen Jr., “Chaput: German Intercommunion Row Not Just a ‘Religious Quirk,’” May 28, 2018, https://cruxnow.com/interviews/2018/05/28/chaput-german-intercommunionrow-not-just-a-religious-quirk/. 106 Sections 1.3 and 1.4 are based on Wouda, “Eucharistic Hospitality.”