Fokke Wouda

1 ecumenical progress and stagnation: eucharistic hospitality as way to proceed? 23
2 a practical theological methodology: articulating practices, experiences, and implications 75
3 eucharist in ecumenical monasteries: description of practices 109
4 monastic vocation with ecumenical implications 137
5 dynamics of common life and common eucharist 167
6 a temporary solution for a permanent problem 191
7 living in communion 217
8 positioning of the eucharist 243
9 implications i: priorities and presuppositions 259
10 implications ii: a path towards unity? 267
11 suggestions and recommendations 283
Appendix 1: interview guide 291
Appendix 2: consent form 293
Appendix 3: dutch transcripts (TA) 295
Abstract 303
Samenvatting 309
Bibliography 317
Index 333
Biography 337