Chapter 4 – Experimental learning 115 underwent ‘extinction’ in order to keep the length and procedures of the experiment identical for all. Figure 1. Illustration of the experimental design. During partial reinforcement (G1 and G2) participants received high pain in 70% of nocebo trials and moderate pain in 30% of nocebo trials. The sham group (G5) received high pain in 50% of nocebo trials and in 50% of control trials. In the attenuation phase, during counterconditioning (G1 and G3) participants received low pain in all nocebo trials, while during extinction (G2 and G4) participants received moderate pain for both the nocebo and the control trials. The sham group underwent extinction to keep the procedure equal in length. CC, Counterconditioning. Thermal pain application Thermal pain stimuli were delivered to the non-dominant volar forearm using a Thermal Sensory Analyzer with a 3×3 cm thermode probe (TSAII; Medoc Advanced Medical Systems, Ramat Yishai, Israel). Throughout the experiment, pain intensities were rated on a pain numeric rating scale (NRS) ranging from 0 (no pain) to 10 (worst pain imaginable). ) 2CTVKCN TGKPHQTEGOGPV ) %QPVKPWQWU TGKPHQTEGOGPV ) 5JCO )TQWR +PFWEVKQP VTKCNU #VVGPWCVKQP VTKCNU 2JCUG 2JCUG ) 2CTVKCN TGKPHQTEGOGPV ) %QPVKPWQWU TGKPHQTEGOGPV UV 'XQECVKQP VTKCNU PF 'XQECVKQP VTKCNU )TQWR ) %% ) 'ZVKPEVKQP ) %% ) 'ZVKPEVKQP ) 'ZVKPEVKQP 6'05 QP 2CKP 6'05 QHH 2CKP 6'05 QP 2CKP 6'05 QHH 2CKP / - *> xÉ£ä *> ÇÉ£ä 6'05 QHH 2CKP 2CKP 6'05 QHH 2CKP / - *> xÉ£ä 6'05 QHH 2CKP / - *> xÉ£ä 6'05 QHH 2CKP / - *> xÉ£ä 6'05 QHH 2CKP / - *> xÉ£ä 6'05 QHH 2CKP / - *> xÉ£ä 6'05 QHH 2CKP / - *> xÉ£ä 6'05 QHH 2CKP / - *> xÉ£ä 6'05 QHH 2CKP / - *> xÉ£ä 6'05 QHH 2CKP / - *> xÉ£ä 6'05 QP 2CKP 6'05 QHH 2CKP 6'05 QP 2CKP 6'05 QHH 2CKP 6'05 QHH 2CKP / - *> xÉ£ä 6'05 QHH 2CKP / - *> xÉ£ä