204 Figure 1 - Experimental protocol and induced nocebo effect. (a) At the start of the recording, participants completed a first (PRE) resting-state, received (baseline) moderate and high pain stimulations, and underwent nocebo acquisition via conditioning and verbal suggestions, nocebo evocation, and a second (POST) resting-state. Blue and red fonts indicate the lower and higher pain conditions, respectively. ECR, Eyes-Closed Rest; PRE, Pre-acquisition; POST, Post-acquisition; TDA, Trans-Dermal Aspartate (sham hyperalgesic gel). Approximate pain in 1a represents the moderate and high pain stimulations administered during acquisition and evocation, while 1c represents reported pain during moderate pain in evocation. (b) Application sites where either no gel or sham hyperalgesic gel “TDA” was applied. (c) Manipulation-check results showing the pain ratings (and SD) for first nocebo and first control trials of the evocation phase for all participants (n = 36).