Chapter 7 – Pharmacological fMRI 237 administration in the DCS as compared to the placebo group (Figure 2D, Figure 3). We did not find an effect of DCS on the magnitude of extinction either, as there was no significant interaction between drug group and the reduction of nocebo responses at the end of extinction (F (1,48) = 0.11, p = 0.73, ηp 2 = 0.001). Figure 2. Behavioral results. Behavioral results represented as group means and standard deviations. There was a significant nocebo effect in the first pair (A) and first 5 pairs of extinction trials (B). Nocebo responses were not affected by D-cycloserine (DCS) compared to placebo (C). Learning rates were measured on the WMS-IV before and after DCS administration (D). There was only a slight non-significant reduction in learning rates of all participants, irrespective of drug group.