Chapter 7 – Pharmacological fMRI 239 nocebo trials in bilateral amygdala and insula, as well as a small, belowthreshold cluster of the ACC (Table 3, Figure 4D, Figure 5A-C). Parameter estimates were computed with MarsBaR 62 and are plotted for all clusters (Figure 4E). No differences between pharmacological groups were detected in any a priori ROIs, or in exploratory whole brain analyses, for hypothesized contrasts between acquisition control/nocebo trials, evocation control/nocebo trials, or baseline high pain/evocation nocebo trials. Table 2. Results of ROI analyses for acquisition nocebo > control, and evocation nocebo > baseline high pain contrasts. Region (HOA mask) MNI-coordinates (peak voxel) t value P-value (peak voxel) Voxels Acquisition ACC LR 2 -6 42 9.87 <.001 1544 Amygdala L -20 2 16 5.21 .002 110 Amygdala R 22 2 16 6.81 .002 115 Insula L -36 16 14 8.29 <.001 1467 Insula R 36 4 8 7.05 <.001 1453 vlPFC L -46 16 10 6.49 .002 68 vlPFC R 52 6 2 7.39 <.001 337 ACC LR 2 -6 42 9.87 <.001 1544 Baseline- evocation Operculum R 42 -12 14 6.04 <.001 173 Note. Coordinates given in x, y, z for MNI space. T statistics calculated with df=48, p<.05FWE. HOA, Harvard Oxford Atlas; MNI, Montreal Neurological Institute; FWE, familywise error; vlPFC, ventrolateral prefrontal cortex; ACC, anterior cingulate cortex.