Mia Thomaidou

240 Table 3. Results of exploratory ROI analyses for evocation (first 10 extinction trials) nocebo > control, and extinction (remaining 18 extinction trials) nocebo > control contrasts. Region (HOA mask) MNI coordinates (peak voxel) t value P value (peak voxel) Voxels Evocation Insula R 36 -22 10 4.33 .031 4 Extinction ACC R 12 -26 48 -4.54 .027 3 Amygdala L -24 -8 -8 -5.93 .005 40 Amygdala R 24 -2 -12 -4.32 .016 14 Insula L -38 -10 18 -6.31 .001 56 Insula R 36 -4 18 -4.63 .01 14 Note. Coordinates given in x, y, z for MNI space. T statistics calculated with df=48, p<.05FWE. HOA, Harvard Oxford Atlas; MNI, Montreal Neurological Institute. FWE, familywise error.