Mia Thomaidou

46 ITCH 3 2 Bartels, van Laarhoven, et al. 2014 23 + 23 25 22.7 (3.2) Electrical CC+V S & VS VS condition treated and analyzed as a separate arm 12 (6/6) 4 3 3 Bartels, van Laarhoven, et al. 2017 99 n/a 20.3 (2.5) Electrical CC+V S 16 (10/6) 4 3 4 Blythe, Peerdeman, et al. 2021 19 19 21.9 (2.4) Cowhage CC+V S 4 (2/2) 2 3 5 van de Sand, Menz, et al. 2018 30 30 25.5 Histamine skin scrub CC+V S 40 (20/20) 5 3 6 Meeuwis, van Middendorp, et al. 2019 24 n/a 21.8 (2.7) Histamine iontophor . VS n/a 4 3 7 Meeuwis, van Middendorp, et al. 2021 28 n/a 21.9 (2.8) Histamine iontophor . VS n/a 4 Note: the study by van Laarhoven et al., 2011, included both itch and pain manipulations and is listed under pain. When the sample size of a control group is listed as n/a, this suggests that the study used a within-subjects controlled design. Studies are listed separately for pain and itch and first based on the learning manipulation (VS, verbal suggestions, or CC+VS, combination of classical conditioning and verbal suggestions) and then alphabetically. N, Nocebo; C, Control; M, Male; F, Female.