Angela de Jong

Conclusion, Contributions, and Suggestions 6 129 Figure 6.1 Summary of the Three Overarching Themes of This Dissertation Note. Blue person is a school principal, green is a coach-teacher. 6.2. Contributions to scholarly literature In this section, we discuss the contributions to the scientific literature of the three overarching themes. In addition, methodological considerations are highlighted. 6.2.1. School principals’ roles in leading collaborative innovation School principals search for a balance between steering on frameworks and providing professional space to teachers. Ros and Van Rossum (2019) found the same among school principals in the context of distributed leadership. The authors compared ten portraits of school principals, concluding that school principals constantly consider when they can trust leadership to professionals and when they themselves need to steer. Trust thus seems an important aspect affecting how school principals balance steering and providing professional space. Even though trust was not an explicit element among Team players or Facilitators in our studies, we did find a lack of trust in the Key player pattern. Key