Angela de Jong

Summary S 167 that it involves both horizontal and vertical working relations (Bekkers & Noordegraaf, 2016; Sørensen & Torfing, 2018). Horizontal relations refer to working relations between persons and organizations at the same hierarchical level. In this dissertation, we study relations between teachers. Vertical relations pertain to working relations that cut across different organizational levels, functions, and hierarchies (Torfing, 2019). In this dissertation, we study relations between teachers and school principals. The program of Foundation leerKRACHT is an independent program that also focuses on the role of teachers and school principals in improving education together.20 This foundation aims to structure collaboration in working relations in schools to improve education.21 We studied schools that work with the leerKRACHT program. The horizontal and vertical working relations in schools need to be led (Angelle, 2010; Bason, 2010; Ospina, 2017). It is as yet unclear how leading collaborative innovation actually happens, and what it asks of both teachers’ and school principals’ leadership practices in day-to-day working contexts. That is why we initiated this study. In order to gain more specific insights into leading collaborative innovation, we use the concept of leadership practices (Alqahtani et al., 2020; Noman et al., 2018). 2. Research question The aim of this dissertation is to better understand how collaborative innovation is led in schools by school principals and teachers. Our aim is to provide insights that will help to understand better the roles and leadership practices of teachers and school principals in leading collaborative innovation in schools. Moreover, we aim to strengthen our scientific understanding of collaborative innovation in the educational context further. More practically, insights into specific leadership practices can help school principals and teachers to reflect on how they lead their educational innovations and inspire them to approach innovation processes collaboratively. Therefore, we will answer the following main research question: How do school principals and teachers lead collaborative innovation in schools? In order to answer this research question, we set-up four related studies, each with a specific sub-question: 1. How do horizontal and vertical working relations in school affect collaborative innovation practices? 20 leerKRACHT means both Learning force and Teacher in Dutch (usually referring to teachers in primary schools). 21