Angela de Jong

168 2. How do school principals enact leadership practices in leading collaborative innovation? 3. How can distributed leadership in school teams be described and measured by applying a social network perspective? 4. How can differences in distributed leadership between collaborative innovationoriented teacher teams be understood from their sociocultural context, including at individual, team, and school levels? 3. Research perspective To answer the main research question of the study, we relate several key concepts. Changing professionalism The changing roles of teachers and school principals fit into a wider development of changing professionalism. Noordegraaf (2020) argues that professionalism is not made by professionals themselves, but is dependent upon many actors, their interactions, and contextual factors. In this dissertation, we have focused on teachers and school principals as modern professionals working together in collaborative innovation. Instead of prescribing what teachers should do, how, why, and when, teachers can shape their professional work (Van Tartwijk, 2022). Teachers thus will have more autonomy, but for this they have to be supported by the organization (e.g., Knies, 2019). Collaborative innovation Innovation in the public sector can be defined as an effort to develop new ideas that disrupt established practices and transform the way things are usually done (Torfing, 2019). Collaborative innovation includes relevant actors, facilitating the exchange of knowledge, competences, and ideas, and stimulates processes of mutual learning that may improve understanding of the challenge at hand and extend the range of creative ideas about how to solve it (Roberts, 2000). Leading (collaborative) innovation Collaborative innovation processes need to be supported and guided (Bason, 2010). Leadership is commonly defined as individuals exerting influence over others’ activities and relationships, knowledge, and skills (Daniëls et al., 2019; Yukl, 2002). It is, mostly theoretically, argued that leadership of collaborative innovation is essentially distributive,