Angela de Jong

178 316. Slijkhuis, E.G.J. (20-05-2021) Fostering active citizenship in young adulthood. Groningen: University of Groningen 317. Groothuijsen-Vrancken, S.E.A. (02-06-2021) Quality and impact of practice-oriented educational research. Utrecht: Utrecht University 318. Hingstman, M. (07-06-2021) Supporting struggling students: prevention and early intervention with Success for All. Groningen: University of Groningen 319. Gerdes, J. (14-06-2021) All inclusive? Collaboration between teachers, parents and child support workers for inclusive education in prevocational schools. Amsterdam: Vrije UniversiteitAmsterdam 320. Bai, H. (18-06-2021) Divergent thinking in young children. Utrecht: Utrecht University 321.Wijnker, W. (23-06-2021) The Unseen Potential of Film for Learning: Film’s Interest Raising Mechanisms Explained in Secondary Science and Math. Utrecht: Utrecht University 322. Brummer, L. (24-09-2021). Unrooting the illusion of one-size-fits-all feedback in digital learning environments. Groningen: University of Groningen 323. Veldman, M.A. (01-07-21) Better together, social outcomes of cooperative learning in the first grades of primary education. Groningen: University of Groningen 324.Wang, J. (06-07-2021) Technology integration in education: Policy plans, teacher practices, and student outcomes. Leiden: Leiden University 325. Zhang, X. (06-07-2021) Teachers’ teaching and learning motivation in China. Leiden: Leiden University 326. Poort, I.C. (02-09-2021) Prepared to engage? Factors that promote university students’ engagement in intercultural group work. Groningen: University of Groningen 327. Guo, P. (07-09-2021) Online project-based higher education Student collaboration and outcomes. Leiden: Leiden University 328. Jin, X. (21-09-2021) Peer feedback in teacher professional development. Leiden: Leiden University 329. Atherley, E.N. (27-09-2021) Beyond the struggles: Using social-developmental lenses on the transition to clinical training. Maastricht: Maastricht University 330. Martens, S.E. (15-10-2021) Building student-staff partnerships in higher education. Maastricht: Maastricht University 331. Ovbiagbonhia, R. (08-11-2021) Learning to innovate: how to foster innovation competence in students of Built Environment at universities of applied science.Wageningen:WageningenUniversity 332. Van den Boom-Muilenburg , S.N. (11-11-2021) The role of school leadership in schools that sustainably work on school improvement with professional learning communities. Enschede: University of Twente