Angela de Jong

Leadership practices of school principals in collaborative innovation 3 57 Leadership practice codes Definition statements of SP referred to Indicators** for coding (and/or) Total score (out of 44 interviews) Quotes Vision focus Keeping track of the (long term) vision Keep track, goals, checking whether school activities are in line with the vision 16/44 “It is my responsibility to keep track of the longterm vision” (SP5) Progress Keeping track of the process and progress of the innovation implementation Keep track of the innovation progress 16/44 “I try to be up to date about the progress, to know how it is going” (SP2) Role model Deliberately showing behavior they want of their teachers Aware of showing their behavior, example 14/44 “I try to show in my behavior how I want teachers to behave. For example, I ask teachers for feedback” (SP15) Student focus Being focused on students in their work Choices based on students’ wellbeing, passionate to work with students 9/44 “The ultimate goal is to provide good education to students” (SP5) Transparency The belief that it is important to be clear in their actions Clear in actions and decisions. Transparency in school buildings (e.g., glass) 5/44 “I try to be clear in what I do and why I do it some way” (SP16) Connect Working on connecting teams Connect teams and people, see a lack of connection 5/44 “I try to connect all teacher teams” (SP12) Note. SP = school principal, SP*number* = unique identifier per school principal. ** Not all indicators needed to be mentioned by school principals. 3.4.2. School principals’ leadership patterns The selective coding resulted in the identification of two leadership patterns. The term leadership pattern was chosen because this term indicates a focus on behavior and practices, and because it helps to maintain our integrative approach to studying leadership practices. Table 3.3 illustrates the differences between the two patterns, based on four leadership practices. We found this distinction for 10 leadership practices. One of the 11 codes, Student focus, did not provide a distinctive nor meaningful insight. All school principals mentioned being focused on students but did not further explain how they enacted their leadership regarding students. This code is therefore not included in the leadership patterns. We labelled the two leadership patterns as ‘Our’ and ‘Their’ to indicate how school principals’ involvement in collaborative innovation varies.