Angela de Jong

Understanding distributed leadership practices in and around teacher teams 5 115 Appendix 5.1 Table with descriptions of themes of advice Description of Themes of Advice, Ordered Most to Least Mentioned Themes of Advice Description and answers Number of mentions of teams (% of total number of mentions (90)) Organizing improvement of education On organizing improvement of education. Answers such as: Organizing education, process of improvement, systems of collaborative innovation, how and where to go, collective 14 (15%) Lessons On lessons in the classroom. Answers such as: Lessons, teaching, lesson ideas, lesson situations, lesson topics 12 (13%) Collaboration On the collaboration of teachers. Answers such as: Team issues, team meetings, communication, atmosphere, colleagues 12 (13%) Visiting lessons On visiting lessons of other teachers, which is part of the program. Answers such as: Visiting lessons, providing feedback, asking for feedback on lessons, class visit, observing lessons 11 (12%) Stand-up meetings On stand-up meetings, which is part of the program. Answers such as: Goals, set goals, design of the white board, actions following goals 11 (12%) Students and classes On student and classes, and questions that teachers have about this. Answers such as: Student affairs, student participation, supervising students and classes 11 (12%) Designing lessons On designing lessons, which is part of the program. Answers such as: Lesson designs, plans, application of lesson methods 9 (10%) Role as coachteacher On the role that some teachers have (the internal coach-teacher). Answers such as: Development, questions about the role 6 (7%) Policy and vision On policy issues and school vision. Answers such as: School developments, policy development, specific policies such as reading, vision 4 (4%) Note. All teacher teams mentioned four or more themes.