Angela de Jong

Understanding distributed leadership practices in and around teacher teams 5 117 Appendix 5.3 Table on reasons to implement the program Indicators that Describe the Reasons to Implement the Program, Ordered FromMost to Least Mentioned Reasons Indicators that describe the reasons Number of mentions of schools (% of total number of mentions (33)) Improving learning culture Wanting to become a professional organization, learning culture, stimulating collaboration, talks about education instead of issues that are not important 12 (36%) Improving the quality of education Wanting to improve education, to renew, a high quality of education for students 10 (30%) Low educational quality Wanting, and in need of, tools to improve and achieve basis level, an urgent situation that needs to change, excessively low judgement of educational inspection 5 (15%) Working more efficiently Wanting to optimise the work processes of teachers, less lengthy meetings, no waste of time 3 (9%) New school start Wanting to have a smooth merger of two schools, and a tool for starting a new school 2 (6%) Improving datainformed ways of working Wanting to gather more data, working in a datainformed way, recognizing the usefulness of using data 1 (3%) Note. Schools were allowed to mention more than one reason. Questionnaire completed via email by external advisors about reasons of schools to implement the program Please let us know why each school that you train started to implement the program. School name Reason to implement 1. Improving the learning culture 2. Improving the quality of education 3. Improving data-informed ways of working 4. New school start 5. Working more efficiently 6. Low educational quality 7. Other ... (explain) The Reasons did not indicate a link with distributed leadership practices, as they are either described by all teams or solely by one to three teams across the range of distributed leadership.