Karlijn Muiderman

101 Anticipatory governance of sustainability transformations 4 Table 4.1 Four approaches to anticipatory governance (Muiderman et al., 2020) Table 4.1 shows the four approaches mapped onto a spectrum of views on the conception of the future (horizontal row) and the implications for the present (vertical row). The narratives delineate the four approaches, including the conception of the future (in blue), the implications for the present (in purple) and the ultimate aim for engaging with anticipatory governance (in black). Figure 4.1. Analytical framework on transformations (Feola, 2015) The vertical axis represents the spectrum of research approaches that relate to how change is seen to happen, ranging from seeing transformation as a deliberate and actor-driven to an emergent process. The horizontal axis presents the spectrum of research approaches that relate to how transformations research is framed, ranging from more prescriptive to descriptive outcomes. The boxes illustrate where different research communities engaged in transformations research are situated, including deliberate transformation (DT), Progressive transformation (PT), Regime shift (RS), Societal transition (SoT), Social practice (SP), Transformational adaptation 1 (TA1), Transformational adaptation 2 (TA2) and Socioecological transition (SeT)