Karlijn Muiderman

105 Anticipatory governance of sustainability transformations 4 Table 4.2 (Continued) Project Anticipatory methods used by participants 9 Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMip): (3 participants representing the Global Economics Model, Regional Economics Model and Regional Integrated Assessments) Participant 1: Global economic modelling of future food systems scenarios Participant 2: Participatory scenario analysis Participant 3: Scenario used for climate impact assessment for agriculture 10 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) The Future of Food and Agriculture Trends and challenges; Alternative pathways to 2050; Scenario design (narratives) based on identified challenges: stocktaking exercise of internal (FAO) views about emerging challenges for sustainable food & Agriculture, consultative process; Quantification of scenarios models with FAOGAPS (global partial equilibrium model) and ENVISAGE (Global General equilibrium model, Purdue University) 11 Impact of faster productivity growth Equilibrium economic simulation model, megatrend analysis, Impact assessment 12 Modular Applied GeNeral Equilibrium Tool (MAGNET) General equilibrium model simulating impacts of agricultural, trade, land and bioenergy policies on the global economy 13 The Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land, and Energy (FABLE) Consortium Various modeling approaches (crop model, climate model, biodiversity model), impact assessments model, participatory scenario development, simulation gaming, expert consultation, decision analysis under risk and game theory, and artificial intelligence 14 The Food and Landuse Coalition (FOLU) Simulation of better futures scenario with current trends scenarios and todays’ situation 2020-2050 through GLOBIOM Model 15 The role of livestock in food system resilience in remote, upland regions (ResULTS) Semi-structured interview following back casting logic, participatory scenario development, and Delphi studies 16 Rural Affairs Monitoring and Modelling Project (ERRAMP) Integrated assessment model based on story and simulation 17 Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Program’s Futures Scenarios Project: 3 participants representing the work in Africa, Central America, Bangladesh) Participant 1: Participatory scenario analysis Participant 2: Participatory scenario analysis Participant 3: Participatory scenario analysis, storyline and simulation, quantified in IMPACT and GLOBIOM models 18 Zero Hunger Zero Emissions (ZHZE) Participatory scenario analysis, storyline and simulation, quantified in MAGNET Model 19 The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) Strategic Intelligence System Agropensa Participatory scenario analysis, megatrend analysis, expert panels