Karlijn Muiderman

106 Chapter 4 In terms of geographical spread, survey participants worked across the globe while workshop participants were mostly based in Europe and North America. The Foresight4Food initiative refunded accommodation, but participants paid for travel costs, which meant that people working or living close to the workshop location or with a travel budget were able to come. Participants represented projects that are led by a consortium of research institutes and international organizations located in the Global North and/or NGOs located in the Global South, with financial support of donor organizations (such as GIZ and USAID), research councils (such as the UK Research Council and the Swiss National Science Foundation), international agencies (such as IFAD, the World Bank and FAO) and philanthropy (such as the Open Philanthropy Project and the Welcome Trust). However, the projects mostly work on food systems in developing countries. In terms of methods and tools of anticipation covered in the studied projects, the two dominant methods were participatory scenario building (17) and quantitative simulation modelling (18). A variety of other quantitative and qualitative methods are employed in conjunction these anticipation processes, such as financial analysis in the LEAP project, and visioning and back casting and fuzzy cognitive maps in the Sense project. Some projects primarily focus on modeling, such as Poseidon and LEAP, while most combine quantitative and qualitative phases. A qualitative phase can inform a quantitative phase. In the CCAFS Scenarios project qualitative scenario narratives of plausible socio-economic futures with public and private sector stakeholders, which were then quantified using the IMPACT and GLOBIOMmodels in order to estimate climate impacts and food security changes under these scenarios. Quantitative and qualitative processes can also occur in parallel. For example, IMPRESSIONS, an integrated assessment platform examining what a future above 2 degrees Celsius could look like, used in parallel participatory scenario analysis and simulation modeling to iteratively create scenarios generated by stakeholders. Then, shorter-term policy choices were extracted from visioning and back casting. Also in SUPat, a urban planning project, quantitative and qualitative phase occurred in parallel. Its agent-based model is a collaborative effort combining the expertise and methods (including simulation tools) of designers, planners, scientists to create scenarios for more sustainable city environments (SUPat, no date). A few projects combined qualitative methods or used qualitative interpretations of existing sources of quantitative information. An example is the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation EMBRAPA, which identifies megatrends that impact Brazilian agriculture through a combination of participatory scenario development and qualitative megatrend analysis based on existing quantitative analyses (Embrapa, 2018). As another