Karlijn Muiderman

107 Anticipatory governance of sustainability transformations 4 example, the Farmers of the Future Project of the European Commission combines horizon scanning with megatrend analysis based on external sources. 4.3.2. Data collection methods Using the analytical framework on anticipatory governance as a template for our empirical enquiry, we designed a tool to ask questions, which we called a Data Generation Tool (see appendix 4.1). The tool includes descriptive questions related to the design of the anticipation processes, which we called the ‘anticipation space’, as well as questions about the three component elements in the analytical framework (Table 4.1). Questions in the anticipation space were: (a) What methods and tools were used to engage with the future? (b) Why were these methods and tools chosen? and (c) Who designed, funded and participated? Question in the anticipatory governance space: (a) How was the future conceptualized? (b) What were the implications for policy action in the present? and (c) To realize what ultimate ends? We used the Data Generation Tool to collect data through several methods, these are discussed below. Survey As a first data collection method, we sent out an online survey in Google Forms (see appendix 4.2) to a targeted group of Foresight4Food community members to which 12 participants responded. The responses to the survey were used to generate a first dataset, but also to test the usefulness of the framework and feasibility of this study’s research aims. Each multiple-choice question had an ‘other option’ based on which we could assess if our categorizations could be related to the experiences of the participants. No changes to the categorizations were needed based on this feedback. The survey also included broader questions about geographical scale in order to get to know the projects better. Workshop As a second data collection method, we organized a two-day workshop. A total of 24 Foresight4Food members participated in the workshop, and this group partially overlapped with the survey respondents as eight of the 12 survey respondents were at the workshop. The theory-informed workshop was structured according to each of the six questions in the Data Generation Tool, complemented by a few communitybuilding sessions in support of the Foresight4Food initiative. Each session started with a presentation of the literature review and analytical framework based on Muiderman et al. (2020). We then asked participants whether they could relate to each component element in the analytical framework, as well as the literature underpinning it, or if they would want to add totally different categories (for instance, to complement the existing categories of futures), or change the setup of the workshop program. This did not lead