Karlijn Muiderman

142 Chapter 5 on your projection and on your resources what you can do, because if you don’t have the capacity to do a simulation, then you cannot do anything. You can go to participatory scenario because you don’t have anything else so you do what you can” (Interview, 19 April 2019). Others very much appreciated the methodology for the inclusion of voices, and open yet structured dialogue. “It made them [policymakers] aware of the importance of the synergy with national research institutions and to take advantage of knowledge at different levels: from community, national, regions.” (Participant to the focus group discussion in Ouagadougou, 6 February 2020) Participatory scenarios processes are thus valued for the process, but not necessary the outcome, which may explain why the knowledge produced in the participatory processes is not transparently communicated in the policy document while it does visualize two quantitative scenarios that were developed in a parallel FAO process.: The way of wording things in the policy document cannot be as clear as from the recommendations. […] They won’t mention - thanks to the scenario process, we were able to do this etc.… it’s not the right jargon.” (Interview, 08 October 2018). Different hybrids thus exist of approaches 1 and 2, but there is a tendency to align actions with approach 1 and connect to existing policy frames. 5.4.2. Anticipatory governance processes in South Asia Anticipation processes South Asian countries were considered to take quite a technocratic stance to anticipatory governance and focus anticipation on risk management. In South Asia, the majority of anticipation processes investigated (see appendix 5.2 for a full list of anticipation processes analyzed) focused on quantitative forms of foresight, e.g., climatic trends analyses generated by several climate models (Muzammil et al., 2021), and complemented by a variety of other participatory or policy strategizing methods. Four processes included participatory scenario processes. All but three were translated into policy. Multilateral organizations mostly fund anticipation, such as the World Bank, UNDP, UNEP, GEF and European Union (EU), who partner up with donor governments and organizations such as USAID and DfID, UK, and international developmental research institutes such as the IDRC. They work in consortia to design and run the process and work with governmental organizations in the countries, and in fewer instances with civil society and private sector partners. Only the scenarios for the 12th Five Year Plan for India were initiated and developed by its Planning Commission in collaboration with national research institutes.