Karlijn Muiderman

188 Appendixes Appendix 1.1 Overview of units of analysis, methods and data collected for each chapter of the thesis Chapter Unit of analysis Methodology Data collected 2 Conceptualizations of anticipatory governance in the social science and sustainability science literatures Narrative-style interpretative literature review 144 academic articles within journals in the social science and environmental sciences, including: – A first set of 47 articles via a SCOPUS search – Another set of 24 articles by scanning reference list and citations of the first set of 47 articles for various anticipatory governance topics such as anticipatory risk governance – A final and another 73 articles, by scanning the reference list of these 71 articles by looking for implicit notions of anticipatory governance such as ‘anticipation’ and ‘foresight’ 3 Anticipation methods and tools that have been used to anticipate climate futures in WestAfrica and are intended to inform decisionmaking Document-analysis and interviews in a qualitative case study analysis – 11 papers academic articles on anticipation in the climate domain via a Scopus search – 3 anticipation process reports via snowballing – 16 national and sectoral policies that address climate change via snowballing – In-depth analysis of 3 anticipation processes based on 14 interviews with foresight practitioners (working e.g., for CCAFS and AMMA-2050), people working on the foresight-policy interface (e.g., working for IO’s and donor organizations), and policymakers who were part of the design or were meant to do something with the outcomes 4 Viewpoint and experiences of foresight practitioners within the Foresight4Food initiative Survey, workshop, and interviews in a qualitative case study analysis – Online survey with 12 respondents – A two-day workshop in Oxford with 24 participants, which partially overlapped with survey respondents. The aim was to exchange on the key assumptions and elements in the framework. – 5 follow-up interviews with participants to the workshop and online communication with all participants to discuss the results 5 Anticipation methods and tools that have been used to anticipate climate futures in West Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia and Central America and are intended to inform decision-making Document analysis, interviews and focus groups in a qualitative case study analysis – 17 papers academic articles on anticipation in the climate domain via a Scopus search – 31 anticipation process reports via snowballing – 55 national and sectoral policies that address climate change via snowballing – In-depth analysis of 12 anticipation processes based on 41 interviews with foresight practitioners (working e.g., for CCAFS and FAO), people working on the foresight-policy interface (working for IO’s such as FAO and donor organizations such as GIZ), and policymakers who were part of the design or were meant to do something with the outcomes (such as the General Economics Division) – 6 focus groups in Niamey, Ouagadougou, Bangkok, Dhaka, Guatemala, and San Salvador with 10-20 participants. Participants were researchers, representatives from civil society and policymakers. Aim was to discuss in an open-ended manner their perspectives regarding opportunities and challenges for formulating actions in the present based on anticipation and conveying this to incumbent actors