Karlijn Muiderman

190 Appendixes Appendix 3.1 (Continued) Statements in anticipation process reports Country What type of anticipation process was held? Who initiated and/or funded it? How did the anticipation process inform policy? Burkina Faso Climate projections and a workshop with national and local policymakers, researchers, and NGOs on climate information understanding and local needs using Participatory Impact Pathways Analysis (PIPA) from 4 to 50 years (Hartley et al., 2016; Karambiri et al., 2016) Initiated under the Africa Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis Program. Funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Future Climate for Africa (FCFA) program Recommendations for local decision-making plans were formulated and presented to the Minister of Agriculture, Finance and Devolution and a policy brief was formulated. A workshop was held with national and local policymakers, no explicit policy outcomes are formulated in the documents assessed Participatory scenarios workshop with policymakers, researchers, few representatives from civil society and private sector to address short and mid-term challenges (CGIAR, 2015; Hebinck et al., 2018) Initiated by the permanent secretariat for the Coordination of Sectoral Agricultural Policies and CCAFS, funded by CCAFS Scenario-guided recommendations helped to formulate a renewed rural development policy, the PNSR II, particular focus on integrating long-term climate adaptation measures Practical consensual tool that assesses vulnerability and identifies responses to climate risks, followed by assessing future impacts using three quantitative scenarios and finally the development of an adaptation framework (Gahi et al., 2015) Developed by the Institut d’Application et de Vulgarisation en Sciences in Ouagadougou Research, funded by the West Africa Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) The tool is designed to guide climate adaptation policy processes, no explicit policy outcomes are formulated in the document assessed