Karlijn Muiderman

192 Appendixes Appendix 3.1 (Continued) Statements in anticipation process reports Country What type of anticipation process was held? Who initiated and/or funded it? How did the anticipation process inform policy? Error correction model to explore long-run equilibrium relationships and short-run dynamics to understand the effect of policy integration on agriculture and climate adaptation in ECOWAS (Tinta, 2017) Initiated by the University of Ghana, not clear who funded the project Provides policy recommendations, yet no explicit policy outcomes are formulated Process-based crop model SARRA-H calibrated to assess climate change impacts on sorghum and millet yields in the Sudanian and Sahelian savannas of West Africa (Sultan et al., 2013) LOCEAN/IPSL, CIRED/CNRS, AGRHYME (institution of CILSS in Niamey), CIRAD, UMR AGAP & CIRAD, UMR TETIS (2 CIRAD departments). Funded by REGYNA (GIS-CES), the French National Research Agency (ANR) through the ESCAPE project (ANR-10-CEPL-005) and the R2DS network No clear policy implications are formulated in the document assessed Times series of climatic events in the Sahel Researchers and engineers. Long term monitoring focused on documenting the simultaneous variability of rainfall, continental surface conditions and WAM dynamics (Lebel et al., 2009) Initiated under the Africa Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis CATCH Program. Involvement of LTHE University Grenoble, Hydrosciences Montpellier, Colorado State University, CESBIO, National Center for Atmospheric Research, School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science. Funded by IRD, INSU and the French Ministry of Research Provides policy recommendations, no clear policy outcomes are formulated in the document assessed, yet successor AMMA2050 projects have focused more strongly on policy integration Capacity building workshop on climate and vulnerability data, gaps in existing data, and exploration of capacity for future planning with participants from government-affiliated institutions and organizations Initiated under the West Africa Biodiversity and Climate Change program. Funded by USAID Policy recommendations and a roadmap were developed to inform internal policy, as well as ongoing exploration of follow up activities, no explicit policy outcomes are formulated in the document assessed