Karlijn Muiderman

193 Appendixes A Appendix 3.2 Document analysis of the employment of anticipation processes in policy development Statements in policy documents Country National policies for climate adaptation (approval year) Who initiated the policy? What anticipation methods and tools were used? Who initiated, developed and funded the anticipation process? How did the anticipation processes inform policy? Senegal #3. Emerging Senegal Plan 2014-2035, implemented through Plans of Action (Republic of Senegal, 2014a, 2014b) Government of Senegal with technical and financial support from partners and PPPs A vision for the future in the ESP, and three macroeconomic scenarios as guidance for the PAP - trend, optimistic and pessimistic - based on a iterative prioritization method integrating the impacts on both economic and social factors The government of Senegal, supported by the IMF The vision guides short terms strategies and implementation choices. The Plan of Action (2014) builds on the optimistic scenario, prioritizing projects and investments that that increase economic growth and reduce vulnerabilities #2. National Adaptation Plan for the Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector in the Face of Climate Change Horizon 2035 (2016) Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development initiated the policy, technical support from the United Nations’ Least Developed Countries Expert Group and financial support from USAID/ COMFISH IPCC 5th assessment report scenarios RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 on temperature rise were used in two global models (MPI-ESM-LR and HadGEM2ES) to calculate future climate variability (2031-2040) compared to the reference period (1967-2005), then downscaled to three regional models with finer spatial resolution (50 km), followed by risk and vulnerability analysis of sectors The government of Senegal, led by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development Regional consultations with local stakeholders as well as prioritizing workshops with several ministries, NGOs, research institutes and farmer organizations were held to identify short-term, medium- term and long-term adaptation measures, policy priorities and budgets, which in turn formed the backbone of the policy (2035)