Karlijn Muiderman

194 Appendixes Appendix 3.2 (Cotninued) Statements in policy documents # 2. Program of Acceleration of the Cadence of Senegalese Agriculture (Republic of Senegal, 2014c) Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Equipment Policy visioning based on guidelines of the Horizon 2035 which stems from the Emerging Senegal Plan The government of Senegal Integrating adaptation and mitigation measures in the agricultural sector #3. Prospective Study 2035 Ministry of Economy and Finance Participatory scenario analysis quantified in policy simulation tool Threshold 21 Developed by the Millennium Institute Providing medium-term and long-term trajectories for sustainable and inclusive economic development Ghana #1. National Climate Adaptation Master Plan (2015) (successor of the national Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (2012) and the National Climate Change Policy (2013)) Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation, supported by donor countries, EU and UNDP Scenarios on changing weather pattern, building on the scenarios Developed under the UNFCCC Country Studies Project Policies are seen to be robust to withstand different scenarios, decision must be based on hard evidence #3. Shared Growth and Development Agenda II (GSGDA II, 2014) (successor of GSGDA I) The government of Ghana Volume I: Vision 2020 - middle-income country in 25 years – as the guiding vision. Plus two scenarios of GDP growth dependent of oil production. Volume II operationalizes policy proposals The government of Ghana Long-term vision translated into medium-term development objectives and priorities, goals and values #3. Coordinated Program of Economic and Social Development Policies (CPESDP) 2017-2024 (successor of the CPESDP 2014 – 2020) The President based on vision of the political party during elections. Funded by the Government of Ghana Medium-term vision of the New Patriotic Party The government of Ghana Medium-term visions are translated into objectives, priorities and action