Karlijn Muiderman

196 Appendixes Appendix 3.2 (Cotninued) Statements in policy documents Niger #2. Nigeriens Nourish the Nigerian Initiative (3N) (2012) Initiated by the Government of Niger. Funded by UN and since 2014 also PAM, FAO and UNICEF A shared vision for the country’s economy and food security, in line with the broader institutional framework Development Plan for Agriculture in Africa and the Millennium Development, in frequent dialogue with regional and local government officials, civil society, private sector, producer organizations and development partners The Nigerian government, directed by a High Commissioner appointed for the 3N The shared vision has been divided in five objectives and guides five strategic programs, and provides a framework for measures and investments in the short- and medium and long-term #2. The Strategic Framework for Sustainable Land Management 2015-2019 (SLM) (2014) Initiated by the Government of Niger, funded by UNDP, WB, TerrAfrica, The Global Mechanism, NEPAD, IFAD A participatory visioning process resulted in a vision for sustainable land management, horizon 2029, which was amended during the GS-Sustainable Land Management validation workshop The government of Niger The vision served as guidance for the making strategic policy choices, and serves as a reference framework for policies SDDCI, PDES, and 3N #3. Sustainable Development and Inclusive Growth Strategy (SDDCI or 2035 Vision) (2016) Initiated by the Government, all ministries and institutions are involved Retrospective and prospective analysis, development scenarios Horizon 2035, and long-term strategic visions and directions The government of Niger The vision 2035 lays out a medium-term development strategy for Niger and serves as a reference framework for the SLM, 3N and Economic and Social Development Plan (PDES 2015, the first of a series 5-year plans) with shorter timeframes