Karlijn Muiderman

197 Appendixes A Appendix 3.2 (Cotninued) Statements in policy documents Mali #1. The National Climate Plan of Action (PANC) (successor of the National Strategy for Climate Change (SNCC) (2011) and the National Policy for Climate Change (PNCC) (2011)) Funded by the Norwegian government (embassy), technical support from Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), consulting services from EcoSecurities (a carbon offset company). Coordinated by l’Agence de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable (AEDD) EIDOS strategizing tool (setting priorities and testing policies on their robustness) based on strategic policy priorities set in the PNCC GIZ EIDOS helped determine policy objectives in SNCC and PANC #1. National Climate Adaptation Plan (2016) Main funders seem to be the United Nations Development Program and GIZ Several initiatives focusing on climate services capacities of meteorological institutions, projections and local information services United Nations Development Program, GIZ, French Development Agency, African Development Bank, Institute for Research and Development Assessment of climate service capacities and gaps #2. National Agricultural Investment Program (PNISA) (2015-2025) (2014) Ministry of Rural Development Macroeconomic model calculations horizon 2025 based on a comparison of production under the PRSP versus PNISA MME model was used by the National Direction for Development Planning Projections help determine policy priorities for the agricultural sector a consultative process was part of the institutional design of the policy, including NGOs, regional agricultural chambers, local governmental officials