Karlijn Muiderman

199 Appendixes A Appendix 4.2 Survey questions 1. Which of the following methods did you use to develop forward looking information to explore the future of food systems? Please describe your most recent process (In case you want to describe another process, please use the option at the end of this form): • Simulation model • Participatory scenario development • Horizon scanning • Visioning and back casting • Story-and-simulation • Megatrends analysis • Delphi survey • Simulation gaming * e.g. to experiment with future food systems, governance systems, etc. • Role play * e.g. to explore future interests and negotiations • Citizen jury * e.g. to critically reflect on assumptions embedded in frames of the future • Vulnerability pathway mapping * e.g. to explore factors contributing to future vulnerabilities • Prefer not to say • Other: 2. Did you combine the above method with another method? (e.g. risk-, vulnerability- or impact assessments, scenario narratives). Please note which one(s): 3. Can you let us know the name of the process/exercise/project/process? Please also use this space to share any relevant weblinks. If you would like to share an informative document on this, please email 4. Which organizations, institutes, companies etc funded the process? 5. Could you briefly describe the process, what steps you followed and how in a few sentences? Please also use this space to share any relevant weblinks. If you would like to share an informative document on this, please email us 6. Which organizations, companies, etc. were involved in designing the practice?