Karlijn Muiderman

201 Appendixes A 12. Did this conception of the future influence any of the following steps in the design of the foresight process? • Which method was chosen • Which stakeholders participated • How engagement with policymakers was undertaken • How engagement with other clients took place • The outcomes of the foresight process • The (policy)recommendations • Prefer not to say • Other: 13. What time horizon was set? * • 0-5 years • 5-10 • 10-20 • 20-50 • >50 • 20 14. Why was this time horizon chosen? 15. What was the geographic scale of the process? * • International • National • Local • Other: 16. Why was this scale chosen? 17. What were the key issues addressed in the exercise? • Land use change • Food system development • Agricultural development • Diet and nutrition outcomes • Climate change or environmental changes • Livelihood Issues (related to agriculture and food) • Other: