Karlijn Muiderman

205 Appendixes A West Africa Anticipation process workshop reports and articles Policy documents Interviewees and personal communication Focus group discussants Niger Focus group discussants Burkina Faso 8. Mali: CIRAD participatory foresight to address long-term challenges in an irrigation scheme Burkina Faso: National Climate Adaptation Plan (2015) Head of Rural Sector Prospects and Policies Department at SPCPSA, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso for CCAFS, 29 April 2019 International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics Institute International d’Ingénierie de l’Eau et d’Environnement – Fondation 2iE 9. Mali: cost-benefit analysis private sector and SMEs to analyze climate risks and develop adaptation strategies Burkina Faso: National Rural Development Plan II (2018) Chief of Party WABiCC, 08 October 2018 National council of environment and sustainability, SE/CNEDD ICRAF 10. Regional: Process-based crop model SARRA-H to assess climate change impacts on yields in the Sudanian and Sahelian savannas Niger: The Strategic Framework for Sustainable Land Management 2015-2019 (2014) PI WABiCC, Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia University, 8 October 2018 Direction Générale de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable/ Ministère de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable CPF/Confédération Paysanne du Burkina Faso 11. Regional: Error correction model to understand the effect of policy integration on agriculture and climate adaptation in ECOWAS Niger: Nigeriens Nourish the Nigerian Initiative (2012) Senior Researcher, Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia University for WABiCC, 19 March 2019 Directeur Général Adjoint des Eaux et Forêts République, Ministry of Environnent and Développement Durable Chef de Service suivi des politiques (MCEM CC) 12. Regional: Times series of climatic events in the Sahel Niger: Sustainable Development and Inclusive Growth Strategy (2016) Chief of Party WABiCC, September 2018 Platforme Paysanne du Niger Scenarios and Policy researcher UU, CCAFS 13. Regional: WABiCC capacity building workshop on climate and vulnerability data Mali: The National Climate Plan of Action (2011)) Senior Climate Resilience Expert IRRP for WABiCC, February 2019 Collectif des Associations Pastorales du Niger (CAPAN) 14. Mali: National Climate Adaptation Plan (2016) Senior Climate Resilience Expert IRRP for WABiCC, February 2019 Scenarios and Policy researcher UU, CCAFS 15. Mali: National Agricultural Investment Program (PNISA) (2015-2025) (2014)