Karlijn Muiderman

209 Appendixes A Southeast Asia Policy documents Interviewees and personal communication Focus group discussants from the region 6. Philippines: Executive Orders no. 43 and no. 24 , Cabinet Cluster on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation” Water Management Specialist Investment Center Division - Asia and the Pacific Service (DPIB) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Head, Climate, Research & Analysis Services, Weather & Climate Services Division, National Center for Hydrology & Meteorology Bhutan Project Advisor, Remote SensingBased Information & Insurance for Crops in Emerging Economies (RIICE), Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resource Management Program (GIZ) India 7. Philippines: National Climate Change Action Plan Senior Official Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Economics (IPSARD) SAO, Agriculture Research and Extension Division, Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests Bhutan Agro-meteorology Division Researcher, Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO) Japan 8. Philippines: Framework Strategy on Climate Change Deputy Director, Plant Protection Sanitary and Phytosanitary Department, General Directorate of Agriculture, MAFF Cambodia Research Fellow, Prediction Research Department, APEC Climate Center (APCC) Republic of Korea 9. Philippines: Disaster Reduction and Management Act (RA 10121) Deputy Director, Department of Meteorology, Ministry Of Water Resources And Meteorology Cambodia Administration Department, APEC Climate Center (APCC) Republic of Korea 10. Philippines: Strategy on Climate Change Adaptation Head, Applied Climate Information Service Unit, Meteorological, Climatology and Geophysics Bureau (BMKG) Indonesia Climate System and Analysis Group, Environmental and Geographical Science Department,University of Cape Town, South Africa 11. Cambodia: Climate Change Strategic Plan Researcher, Research Institute for Agro-Climate and Hydrology, Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Agriculture Indonesia Associate Professor, Chair, Depatment of Applied Mathematics, University of Cantabria Spain