Karlijn Muiderman

214 Appendixes Southeast Asia Policy documents Interviewees and personal communication Focus group discussants from the region 39. Geo-informatics officer GeoInformatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA) Thailand 83. Abu Mahmood 40/ Chief of Land Use Planning And Policy Group, Land Development Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Thailand Remote Sensing and Land Cover Assessment Expert, UN-REDD Programme 41. Environmentalist, Practitioner Level, Policy and Strategy Section Climate Change Management and Coordination Division, Office of Natural Resources and Planning (ONEP) Thailand Technology and Innovation Consultant, FAO RAP 42. Senior Policy and Plan Specialist, Planning and Technical Division, Department of Agriculture Thailand GIS Consultant for AGRI-MAP design, FAO RAP 43. Policy and Plan Specialist, Planning and Technical Division, Department of Agriculture Thailand