Karlijn Muiderman

216 Appendixes Central America Anticipation process workshop reports and articles Policy documents Interviewees and personal communication Focus group discussants El Salvador Focus group discussants Guatemala 7. Honduras: Environmental Assessment and Climate Change For the preparation of IFAD’s 2012-2016 National Strategic Opportunities Program Guatemala: Institutional Climate Change Agenda 20132016 of the National Forest Institute (2013) Climate Change Focal Point and Head of the Agricultural Development Unit at ECLAC (CEPAL), 15 October 2019 PNUD Instituto Nacional de Sismología, Vulcanología e Hidrología - INSIVUMEH 8. Honduras: Using expert judgments to inform economic evaluation of ecosystem-based adaptation decisions: watershed management for enhancing water supply for Tegucigalpa, Honduras Guatemala: K’atun National Development Plan: our Guatemala 2032 (2014). Author of several ECLAC (CEPAL) studies on the economy of climate change, 14 January 2021 FIDA Instituto Nacional de Sismología, Vulcanología e Hidrología - INSIVUMEH 9. Nicaragua: Mainstreaming of climate change in Nicaragua: Evaluation of risks and opportunities Nicaragua: Adaptation Plan to Variability and Climate Change in the Agricultural, Forestry and Fisheries Sector, Ministerio Agropecuario y Forestal (2013) Policymaker and former executive secretary of the Central American Board on Agriculture and Livestock (CAC), 9 January 2020 PROINTER Instituto Nacional de Sismología, Vulcanología e Hidrología - INSIVUMEH 10. Nicaragua: Climate Smart Agriculture in Nicaragua SICA region: Climate Smart Agriculture strategy for the SICA region 2018-2030 (2017) Viceminister of Environment when Guatemala´s Climate Change Action Plan was developed, 19 Octobrer 2018 PRISMA Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales - MARN 11. Costa Rica: INDC process Consultant and author of the study ´Avances a nivel politico y estratégico en la adaptacion al cambio climatico´ (Global water Partnership), 10 January 2019 FAO Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales - MARN 12. Regional: Climate Change in Central America: Potential Impacts and Public Policy Options MAG Universidad del Valle de Guatemala - UVG