Karlijn Muiderman

237 Curriculum Vitae Science-policy work Public talks include a presentation on World Environment Day at BNP Paribas (London), several presentations on anticipatory governance for CCAFS, and a panel on West Africa at the Balie (Amsterdam). I moderated a panel at the Africa Day event of the Royal Tropical Institute (Amsterdam) and an event on local governance for D66 (Zoetermeer). I was also a member of a think tank of the Wiardi Beckman Stichting (the Hague). Publications Peer reviewed • Muiderman, K., Zurek, M., Hasnain, S., Vervoort, J., Gupta, A., Driessen, P. (2022) Anticipatory governance of sustainability transformations, Global Environmental Change. • Muiderman, K., Gupta, A., Vervoort, J.M. & Biermann, F. (2020) Four approaches to anticipatory governance: varying conceptions of the future and their implications for the present, (2022) WIREs Climate Change. • Muiderman, K., Anticipatory governance in West Africa: how assumptions about the future impact climate action in the present, Futures. • Rutting, L., Vervoort, J., Mees, H., Pereira, L., Veeger, M., Muiderman, K., Mangnus, A., Winkler, K., Bottega Pergher, V., Olsson, P., Lane, R., Hichert, T., Christiaens, L., Bansal, N., Hendriks, A. & Driessen, P. (In press) Disruptive seeds: a scenarios approach to explore power shifts in sustainability transformations. Book chapters • Pereira, L., Vrettos, C., Cramer, L., Drimie, S., Muiderman, K., Schapendonk, F., Stringer, L., Veeger, M., Vervoort, J. & Wamukoya, G. (2022) Policies and design processes to enable transformation. In: B. Campbell, P. Thornton, A.M. Loboguerrero, D. Dinesh & A. Nowak (eds.). Transforming Food Systems Under Climate Change, Cambridge University Press. • Muiderman, K. (2017). De ‘gelukszoekers’: migranten uit West-Afrika. De zoektocht naar duurzaammigratiebeleid in mondiaal tijdperk. In: M. Sie Dhian Ho, R. Cuperus & A. Pilon (eds.). Over de Grens: de vluchtelingen crisis als reality test, 1st ed. Amsterdam: van Gennep.