Karlijn Muiderman

240 Acknowledgements ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS While a PhD trajectory may seem like an isolated process, it is certainly not a solitary one. There are a number of people I am extremely grateful to. First and foremost, my supervisors. It has been such a privilege to have had a supervisory team who supported and challengedme. Joost, your endless encouragement, energy, and creativity throughout the process has enriched my research so much. Aarti, your critical eye improved the originality and quality of the thesis. You were right to tell me to sit back with a glass of wine to write up the last bits of the thesis. That was indeed the fun part! Peter, thank you for your thought-provoking and structured guidance until the end. You made doing a PhD feel manageable. Frank, I am very grateful for your help in laying the foundation of this research in the early stages. I would also like to extend my deepest gratitude to the doctoral committee members for investing their time to critically assess the quality of my work during the summer. The Copernicus Institute was a warm and inspiring place to conduct research and teach. I highly enjoyed the academic discussions within my own Environmental Governance group and the Innovation Studies group. Many colleagues also became friends. First, my paranymphs and roommates Astrid and Lucas. Lucas, thank you for kickstarting the adventure. Your jokes always made me laugh and lifted the mood. I still feel the Bern. Astrid, for our long talks, when we were too busy to chat. We connected on many levels, and I feel privileged that we were offered to take up a new job together and develop a critical futures project there. Copernicus road cycling buddies Robert, Floor, Frank, and Jarno, you were my first within-UU interdisciplinary activity. Writing this acknowledgment in the Vosges brings backmemories of the 175 kmGran Fondo. It was great nearly dying there with you in the horrific weather. Floor, we had a baby around the same time which gave us another topic to chat about. Your incredible balance of academic work, a baby, two other kids, sports, and social life has been mind-blowing. Sandra, thank you for introducing me to the Earth System Governance early career network (where I met wonderful people like Carole-Anne, Karsten, Ina, Jennifer, and many more). This was an excellent platform to exchange ideas on research and research life. Lisette, Jeroen, Abe, and Irene, I very much enjoyed our futures book club meetings and discussing a set of books at length, it has enriched my research. Carole-Anne, thank you for your friendship et merci pour ton aide avec pratiquer mon français. Iris, for joining our little beer club to Jan Primus, we instantly connected. Kieran, for never believing how old I am and for reading parts of my work. And everyone who passed our little glass house in room 7.42 for a chat: Charlotte, Marjanneke, James, Abbie, Rak, and everyone else. Harmina and Ineke, thank you for answering all of my questions and helping me organize meetings in the busy agendas of my supervisors.